LNCC Logo Quantum Computing Group
National Laboratory for Scientific Computing
Versão em Português  

The Quantum Computing Group conducts research in the following areas:

  • Quantum Walks

    Quantum walks, an interesting area of research within quantum computing, deals with the peculiar behavior of particles in quantum systems. Inspired by classical random walks, quantum walks employ the principles of quantum mechanics, such as superposition and entanglement, to model the dynamics of a particle moving through various states. There are two primary types of quantum walks: discrete-time and continuous-time quantum walks. Discrete-time quantum walks are characterized by a step-by-step evolution, while continuous-time quantum walks evolve smoothly over time. This field offers valuable insights into quantum algorithms and complexity theory and has potential applications in areas like cryptography, search optimization, and distributed computing. By studying quantum walks on and their different types, researchers aim to unlock the full potential of quantum computing and deepen our understanding of the quantum realm.

  • Quantum Algorithms

    Quantum algorithms are a branch of quantum computing that focuses on designing computational methods that leverage the unique properties of quantum systems to solve problems more efficiently than classical algorithms. These algorithms take advantage of quantum phenomena such as superposition, entanglement, and quantum parallelism to process and manipulate information in ways not possible with classical computing. Some well-known quantum algorithms include Shor's algorithm for factoring large numbers and Grover's algorithm for searching unsorted databases. The ongoing development of quantum algorithms has the potential to revolutionize various fields, including cryptography, optimization, materials science, and artificial intelligence, by providing new computational paradigms and capabilities to address complex challenges.

  • Quantum Error Correcting Codes

    Quantum error-correcting codes play a crucial role in the development of practical quantum computing systems by addressing the issue of noise and decoherence that can negatively impact qubits. These codes protect quantum information against errors by encoding it into a larger quantum system, allowing for the detection and correction of errors without destroying the fragile quantum state. While there are several types of quantum error-correcting codes, topological codes are particularly notable for their ability to harness the global properties of quantum systems, making them robust against local errors. Another important aspect of quantum error correction is fault tolerance, which ensures that quantum computers can still function accurately even in the presence of imperfect components and operations. A fault-tolerant quantum computing system employs error-correcting codes and fault-tolerant procedures to maintain the integrity of quantum information, despite the presence of noise and errors. The development and implementation of efficient quantum error-correcting codes and fault-tolerant protocols are essential for the realization of large-scale, practical quantum computing systems.

  • Simulation of Quantum Algorithms in Classical Computers
  • Quantum Information
  • Hidden Subgroup Problem
  • Reversible Computing